
Ep 24 – DIY Financial Planning – A new kind of budgeting

Part 2 of the DIY Financial Planning series is related to budgeting, but this is not the type of budgeting where I tell you to stop drinking your daily late

Now that you know where you’re money is flowing to I want you to look into each of those categories to see if there are dollars being spent that aren’t a value add.  For example, noticing that you buy more groceries than you use and toss a lot of them away.  Or keeping a cable subscription but you rarely watch the channels.

None of these are a value add to you, they don’t add value to your life so do something different.

The goal is to be able to reduce your monthly expense by $100 and put it towards a LONG-TERM goal.  This is the most important part!  It has to be long-term because we have plenty of instant gratifications that we forgot to learn how to build up a tolerance to saving for a goal that you won’t experience for years in the future.

For example, take the $100 and put it in a Roth IRA (if you’re eligible), or save it for a vacation in 5 years.


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About the Author

Randa Hoffman is the owner and financial planner at Radiant Wealth Planning, a fee-only financial planning and investment management firm exclusively for women. She helps ease the uncertainty around retirement, tax planning, and transitioning wealth so that women can live a life they’ve always dreamt of. She holds an MBA and EA and lives in Newport Beach, CA.