
The Board: What type of business owner are you?

There are two types of business owners – the type that live stressed out in the daily grind and the type that actually enjoy building their company.

Join me and Randa Hoffman, owner of Radiant Wealth Planning, as we talk about how business owners can leap from running on the hamster wheel to actually ENJOYING being an owner.

We’ll walk through a powerful exercise that will leave you with more clarity…. in just 30 minutes! You won’t want to miss this.

The Bord host, Christina Gamache founded of Audax Wealth Management.

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About the Author

Randa Hoffman is the owner and financial planner at Radiant Wealth Planning, a fee-only financial planning and investment management firm exclusively for women. She helps ease the uncertainty around retirement, tax planning, and transitioning wealth so that women can live a life they’ve always dreamt of. She holds an MBA and EA and lives in Newport Beach, CA.